so, heres my Q n' A's!!
1. 2 things you always bring in your bag (aside from wallet)
My phone and nappy/wipes
2. 2 tv shows you love to watch
Grey’s and so you think you can dance ATM..
3. 2 softdrinks you enjoyed drinking
Coke zero or rasberry
4. 2 magazines/books you love reading
NW and OK! , anything trashy gossipy
5. 2 places/countries you love visiting or would love to visit
USA and Europe
6. 2 hobbies you enjoyed
Walking outdoors and riding my roadbike
7. 2 actors you would love to have a date
Justin Timberlake and David Beckham
8. 2 websites you never failed to open everyday aside from email and your own blogs/site)-
X17online and Pinkisthenewblog
9. 2 fondest childhood memories
Weekends and holidays at farm in Strathbogie and being allowed to catch the bus to qld with my 2 girlfriends for a weeks holiday on our own!!!
10. 2 scary incident/accident/instance that you will never forget
probably walking/running home in the middle of the night on my own from the train station and catching the bus everyday was scary as the other school on the bus kids teased me.... awwwww
I tag glenda and ANY one else who reads my blog... I have no idea!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Whats happening in our world lately?!!
Erins Dress up day for Literacy and Numeracy week at school, She went dressed as her favourite Book Character, Cinderella.

Joss with his new hair cut Darcy and his silly face....

A few photos from our recent trip to Echuca to celebrate Arron turning 30! Our trip included staying at Echuca Caravan park and visiting places like the old port of echuca, the holden museam, paddlesteamer rides.
Well its been a long time since I have done a really good update in blog form...!!
Things are going grand at our place. We have just done some moving things around and re organised Darcy's bedroom to accomadate his brother Joss so now they are officially sharing a room. Yesterday Joss's cot was moved in and he spent his first night and slept well. He woke once but settled with a little drink of juice and a quick cuddle. Joss also went to sleep last night sporting his new hair cut!! well... FIRST hair cut actually. We shaved his head to a number 4. He is like a whole new boy without all his wispy baby hair and just cant get used to looking at him yet! You can see it here:¤t=100_1968.flv
He will have no hair to hide all his lumps, bumps and bruises he is forever getting. We also made way for a brand new fridge which has been a long time coming. I have no idea how our fridge is still alive to be honest (well I use the term fridge loosly as its more of an over sized bar fridge!) So nice to have a fridge with lots and lots of space!! Now just to try and fill it up!
Erin had her first school production recently. The school production was based on broadway musicals and the preps did The Lion King... Other levels did things like high school musical, sound of music, singing in the rain... It was SOOOOO cute seeing her up dancing away! She did SOOOOOO well too!! I was blown away! You can see her here:¤t=100_1953.flv She is a blue bird on the far left of the screen behind the tiger. SO as you can see she got into it!! Here is her second song:¤t=100_1955.flv
Erin has another Karate grading coming up in about 2 weeks. She still tells me she doesnt want to do it anymore, but I still make her stick to her commitment to see it out the rest of the year and she is actually really good at it too!! and it is great to see her being able to focus and listen too. Erin is going great guns with her reading at school and beginning to show some improvements with her maths too... Hard to beleive it is almost the end of the third term already!! Next term the preps are doing a 9 consecutive days of swimming lessons so that will be just great for Erin as she has had no formal lessons since before Darcy was born!
Darcy is growing up very fast. He is still madly passionate for ALL things mechanical. He is beginning to enjoy reading and listening to stories a lot more these days which is great. He really enjoys coming to do reading with Erins grade and reading all the books he remembers Erin has home, amaxing how much they remember.... He has a few favourties he reads about FJ (a car) and read one from front to back recently (purely from memory I imagine at this age) He is looking forward to Kinder next year and I think he is well and truly ready now. I am feeling more confident in the fact that in another 4 months he is going to be very comfortable being left at kinder alone and able to voice any concerns he has, whereas 4 months ago, I would not have said the same thing. He has started drawing people with arms and legs and eyes and mouth. He also draws spiders and monsters. We are working on him recognising his name... so far, no luck...
Joss is almost 2 I cant believe it! I think 9 weeks or so and he will be 2. He is so grown up these days, even more so with his new hair cut. He is stringing 2 and 3 words together and says hundreds of words. He is still being breastfed around 2-3 times a day, usually being nursed off to sleep. I am sure he will wean around the 2 year age... He loves Dora the explora and reading all sorts of books. His favourite are picture books with real life photos to flip through and point to all the things he knows and likes. (just like his sister was like!) Not much else to report as he is doing all the normal things kids at this age do. He is obsessed with keys and has his own set he carries around all day long including eating, drinking, sleeping, car trips, nappy changes, he still clutches to it.
Things with Arron and I are pretty good! We are looking for a short get away together riding to down to Philip Island and staying at a mates holiday house the weekend the GP is on. It will be the longest I have ever riden before, I am nervous but looking forward to it. I am hoping I might be able to sqeeze in my P plate license test before then so I dont head down with that god awful L plate slapped on the back for added attention to the chick who cant ride properly!! LMAO! We got out for a while a few weeks ago to go gold class opening day of the Simpsons movie. I thought it was bloody hilarious...
I have also been able to lose 10Kg recently with lots of hard work at the gym and eating well. I lost a complete dress size and feeling much fitter and healthier. I am just in the process of re-motivating myself to lose the last 10Kg's. Just maybe then I will be done with worrying about my weight?!! just MAYBE!! LOL
Thats about all I can think of for now!!!

Joss with his new hair cut Darcy and his silly face....

A few photos from our recent trip to Echuca to celebrate Arron turning 30! Our trip included staying at Echuca Caravan park and visiting places like the old port of echuca, the holden museam, paddlesteamer rides.
Well its been a long time since I have done a really good update in blog form...!!
Things are going grand at our place. We have just done some moving things around and re organised Darcy's bedroom to accomadate his brother Joss so now they are officially sharing a room. Yesterday Joss's cot was moved in and he spent his first night and slept well. He woke once but settled with a little drink of juice and a quick cuddle. Joss also went to sleep last night sporting his new hair cut!! well... FIRST hair cut actually. We shaved his head to a number 4. He is like a whole new boy without all his wispy baby hair and just cant get used to looking at him yet! You can see it here:¤t=100_1968.flv
He will have no hair to hide all his lumps, bumps and bruises he is forever getting. We also made way for a brand new fridge which has been a long time coming. I have no idea how our fridge is still alive to be honest (well I use the term fridge loosly as its more of an over sized bar fridge!) So nice to have a fridge with lots and lots of space!! Now just to try and fill it up!
Erin had her first school production recently. The school production was based on broadway musicals and the preps did The Lion King... Other levels did things like high school musical, sound of music, singing in the rain... It was SOOOOO cute seeing her up dancing away! She did SOOOOOO well too!! I was blown away! You can see her here:¤t=100_1953.flv She is a blue bird on the far left of the screen behind the tiger. SO as you can see she got into it!! Here is her second song:¤t=100_1955.flv
Erin has another Karate grading coming up in about 2 weeks. She still tells me she doesnt want to do it anymore, but I still make her stick to her commitment to see it out the rest of the year and she is actually really good at it too!! and it is great to see her being able to focus and listen too. Erin is going great guns with her reading at school and beginning to show some improvements with her maths too... Hard to beleive it is almost the end of the third term already!! Next term the preps are doing a 9 consecutive days of swimming lessons so that will be just great for Erin as she has had no formal lessons since before Darcy was born!
Darcy is growing up very fast. He is still madly passionate for ALL things mechanical. He is beginning to enjoy reading and listening to stories a lot more these days which is great. He really enjoys coming to do reading with Erins grade and reading all the books he remembers Erin has home, amaxing how much they remember.... He has a few favourties he reads about FJ (a car) and read one from front to back recently (purely from memory I imagine at this age) He is looking forward to Kinder next year and I think he is well and truly ready now. I am feeling more confident in the fact that in another 4 months he is going to be very comfortable being left at kinder alone and able to voice any concerns he has, whereas 4 months ago, I would not have said the same thing. He has started drawing people with arms and legs and eyes and mouth. He also draws spiders and monsters. We are working on him recognising his name... so far, no luck...
Joss is almost 2 I cant believe it! I think 9 weeks or so and he will be 2. He is so grown up these days, even more so with his new hair cut. He is stringing 2 and 3 words together and says hundreds of words. He is still being breastfed around 2-3 times a day, usually being nursed off to sleep. I am sure he will wean around the 2 year age... He loves Dora the explora and reading all sorts of books. His favourite are picture books with real life photos to flip through and point to all the things he knows and likes. (just like his sister was like!) Not much else to report as he is doing all the normal things kids at this age do. He is obsessed with keys and has his own set he carries around all day long including eating, drinking, sleeping, car trips, nappy changes, he still clutches to it.
Things with Arron and I are pretty good! We are looking for a short get away together riding to down to Philip Island and staying at a mates holiday house the weekend the GP is on. It will be the longest I have ever riden before, I am nervous but looking forward to it. I am hoping I might be able to sqeeze in my P plate license test before then so I dont head down with that god awful L plate slapped on the back for added attention to the chick who cant ride properly!! LMAO! We got out for a while a few weeks ago to go gold class opening day of the Simpsons movie. I thought it was bloody hilarious...
I have also been able to lose 10Kg recently with lots of hard work at the gym and eating well. I lost a complete dress size and feeling much fitter and healthier. I am just in the process of re-motivating myself to lose the last 10Kg's. Just maybe then I will be done with worrying about my weight?!! just MAYBE!! LOL
Thats about all I can think of for now!!!
Monday, July 9, 2007
I have been tagged...
So I guess thats my kick in the pants to get blogging again!!!!!
I need to list:
1. Four of my favourite jobs
2. Four of my favorite local places
3. Four of my favourite foods
4. Four of my favorite international places
and four people who I am tagging.
Four of my Favourite Jobs
1. Being a mum. Not being corny but it gives me the most rewards!! Even though the pay sucks and the stress and OH&S is through the roof!!LOL
2. I have only had 2 jobs! so this one better be my current job, supporting people with High support needs with severe physical and mental disabilities. I have made great friends from work. Work is flexable and allows me to spend maximum time with my family and doing my fav leisure activities!!
3. When I was at school we did a season of cherry picking.... It was a BLAST!! About 7 or8 of us out on an orchard in the middle of summer with the stereo belting out triple J and us just having a ball. Pay sucked!! I think the most i earned in one week was about 150 bucks!! for 5 days work LMAO!! But the exercise helped me drop heaps of weight because we walked about 4km from the bus stop to the orchard and then 4km back to the bus stop....
4. The only other paying job I had was a baby sitter. I once looked after the children of the owners of Debortolli Winery in the Yarra Valley. I got paid something like 70 bucks for a few hours of looking after their kids while they were at a function..... Then the dad drove me home. Easiest money a 16 year old can make!!! BUT cant say I enjoyed it!! LOL but had to have something to fill in space #4
2. Four of my favourite local places
1. Home. You cant beat being home especially in the cold winter.
2. The Gym. I love having me time up there. It is almost always empty when I go. I can push myself with no one around to feel embarresed about jogging in front of. I can turn the radio on to my station and bop away for an hour on my own....
3. Lilydale Lake. The next best thing to being able to get out and exercise with the kids. Great playground and walking tracks.
4. My mums.... probably pretty lame.... but kids love playing at Nan's and she has foxtel LOL!!
3. Four of my favourite foods
1. Donuts
2. Cake
3. Icecream
4. Fast food.
that one was WAY too easy.......
4. Four of my favourite International Places
1. I have never been overseas So I will change it to INTERSTATE places LOL
Hobart. We went for our honeymoon and loved it. Probably the other place we could live...
2. Country VIC. In the north east. I had so much fun as a teen growing and going to the farm (strathbogie, near euroa) I love all the farm animals and being outside all day long.
3. Warburton. I love the waterside. The cafe's. The views. The walking tracks. Cant wait for the kids to all get bigger so we can all go on long bike rides.
4. North Coast NSW.... Beautiful beaches and waterways. The warmth of QLD without the humidity.
WHEN we head overseas, we would love to travel to canada and alaska on one of those cruises and scenic rail ways. Also europe... Some places I want to see, some Arron wants to see. Then America just out of curiosity. A kind of see it with our own eyes... And then a beach destination like Fiji or Hawaii......
I done know 4 other people to tag, that havent already been tagged.....
Thanks Glenda for tagging me!!!!
I need to list:
1. Four of my favourite jobs
2. Four of my favorite local places
3. Four of my favourite foods
4. Four of my favorite international places
and four people who I am tagging.
Four of my Favourite Jobs
1. Being a mum. Not being corny but it gives me the most rewards!! Even though the pay sucks and the stress and OH&S is through the roof!!LOL
2. I have only had 2 jobs! so this one better be my current job, supporting people with High support needs with severe physical and mental disabilities. I have made great friends from work. Work is flexable and allows me to spend maximum time with my family and doing my fav leisure activities!!
3. When I was at school we did a season of cherry picking.... It was a BLAST!! About 7 or8 of us out on an orchard in the middle of summer with the stereo belting out triple J and us just having a ball. Pay sucked!! I think the most i earned in one week was about 150 bucks!! for 5 days work LMAO!! But the exercise helped me drop heaps of weight because we walked about 4km from the bus stop to the orchard and then 4km back to the bus stop....
4. The only other paying job I had was a baby sitter. I once looked after the children of the owners of Debortolli Winery in the Yarra Valley. I got paid something like 70 bucks for a few hours of looking after their kids while they were at a function..... Then the dad drove me home. Easiest money a 16 year old can make!!! BUT cant say I enjoyed it!! LOL but had to have something to fill in space #4
2. Four of my favourite local places
1. Home. You cant beat being home especially in the cold winter.
2. The Gym. I love having me time up there. It is almost always empty when I go. I can push myself with no one around to feel embarresed about jogging in front of. I can turn the radio on to my station and bop away for an hour on my own....
3. Lilydale Lake. The next best thing to being able to get out and exercise with the kids. Great playground and walking tracks.
4. My mums.... probably pretty lame.... but kids love playing at Nan's and she has foxtel LOL!!
3. Four of my favourite foods
1. Donuts
2. Cake
3. Icecream
4. Fast food.
that one was WAY too easy.......
4. Four of my favourite International Places
1. I have never been overseas So I will change it to INTERSTATE places LOL
Hobart. We went for our honeymoon and loved it. Probably the other place we could live...
2. Country VIC. In the north east. I had so much fun as a teen growing and going to the farm (strathbogie, near euroa) I love all the farm animals and being outside all day long.
3. Warburton. I love the waterside. The cafe's. The views. The walking tracks. Cant wait for the kids to all get bigger so we can all go on long bike rides.
4. North Coast NSW.... Beautiful beaches and waterways. The warmth of QLD without the humidity.
WHEN we head overseas, we would love to travel to canada and alaska on one of those cruises and scenic rail ways. Also europe... Some places I want to see, some Arron wants to see. Then America just out of curiosity. A kind of see it with our own eyes... And then a beach destination like Fiji or Hawaii......
I done know 4 other people to tag, that havent already been tagged.....
Thanks Glenda for tagging me!!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Hi and Welcome!
thanks for following me over here LOL!!
I have got a blogger blog already but cant for the life of me remember the bloody username OR password. So decided to start afresh. Sucks to lose all that time I had been blogging.
heres the link to the old blog:
I will do a big big update soon.
I have got a blogger blog already but cant for the life of me remember the bloody username OR password. So decided to start afresh. Sucks to lose all that time I had been blogging.
heres the link to the old blog:
I will do a big big update soon.
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