Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I have been tagged....

so, heres my Q n' A's!!

1. 2 things you always bring in your bag (aside from wallet)
My phone and nappy/wipes

2. 2 tv shows you love to watch
Grey’s and so you think you can dance ATM..

3. 2 softdrinks you enjoyed drinking
Coke zero or rasberry

4. 2 magazines/books you love reading
NW and OK! , anything trashy gossipy

5. 2 places/countries you love visiting or would love to visit
USA and Europe

6. 2 hobbies you enjoyed
Walking outdoors and riding my roadbike

7. 2 actors you would love to have a date
Justin Timberlake and David Beckham

8. 2 websites you never failed to open everyday aside from email and your own blogs/site)-
X17online and Pinkisthenewblog

9. 2 fondest childhood memories
Weekends and holidays at farm in Strathbogie and being allowed to catch the bus to qld with my 2 girlfriends for a weeks holiday on our own!!!

10. 2 scary incident/accident/instance that you will never forget
probably walking/running home in the middle of the night on my own from the train station and catching the bus everyday was scary as the other school on the bus kids teased me.... awwwww

I tag glenda and ANY one else who reads my blog... I have no idea!

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